VR headset secure and protection for HTC vive Focus3
HTC Vive Focus3/Vision

This VR headset is expensive to replace with sometimes long delivery times. That’s why it’s important to protect your investment and avoid damage to your hardware.

Protect your HTC Vive Focus3 and Vision with this TitanSkin. The skin will protect the fragile elements and. Use the steel wire to mount the whole set at the ceiling or installation, to avoid theft.

Hologate VR protection VR headset

Introducing: The Headphone Clamp

Designed specifically for LBE VR market, our headphone clamp solves a common challenge faced by VR enthusiasts and professionals alike. Perfect compatible with the Logitech G Pro X headphone series (and many onther brands), it seamlessly attaches to both the HTC Focus3 and Vision HMD, ensuring a secure and reliable connection without the hassle of managing separate over-ear headphone.

It is made from high-quality MJF printed HR PA 12 Nylon and comes in a sleek black finish.

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